Having difficulties logging into Library 2 Go? Make sure your Library Card hasn't expired! Library Cards expire annually, so we can have your current contact information. Also, any account with charges of $5 or more is suspended until the amount owed is less than $5.
To search our Catalog, click the button below.
At the top of the Newton County Library Catalog page, enter your card number from the back of your library card and your 10-digit phone number or password. Click "Log In", then click "My Account".
Now you can renew items, see what you have checked out, view what you have on reserve, and more.
At the top of the Newton County Library Catalog page, enter your card number from the back of your library card and your 10-digit phone number or password. Click "Log In", then click "My Account".
Now you can renew items, see what you have checked out, view what you have on reserve, and more.