Library Card Policy
1. Library Cards: Your first library card is free. Lost cards may be replaced at a cost of $1.00. Please bring your card if you want to check materials out.
2. Check Out and Renewals: Movies may be checked out for 1 week and are limited to 4 per card. All other items are checked out for 3 weeks. There is a limit of 20 items overall. Materials may be renewed once for an additional 1 or 3 weeks. You may renew by phone or self-renew on our website. Our phone number is printed on your library card.
3. Fines: Patrons are responsible for keeping contact information up to date and for returning items on time. Materials returned late will accumulate fines at the rate of 10 cents per day per item. A grace period of 3 days is granted after which fines will accrue. Fines of $5 or more must be paid before you may check out more items.
4. Responsibility: You are responsible for fines, damages or the loss of any items checked out on your card. You may be charged the cost of replacement for lost or damaged materials. You are responsible for any items checked out on your card or for the card of any minor whose card you have signed for. If you let someone else use your card or library materials, you are responsible for these items.
Lost and Damaged Items: Overdue material will be declared lost after 50 days from the due date and the cost of the materials will be added to your account. Damages materials include: defacing by marking, drawing or writing; water, food, or pet damage; and dirty, torn, or broken items. You will be charged the cost of the materials as listed in the library catalog. Where no price is listed the cost will be determined by the librarian. The library may accept the replacement of a lost item with an unused and identical item if it has been agreed on in advance; there will be a $5 processing fee on the item. An item marked lost may be returned without paying the replacement cost for 6 months past the due date if the library has not already replaced the item. After 6 months the replacement fee may be waived by the librarian. If a lost and paid-for item is recovered 3 months from the due date and the item has not been replaced, the cost of the item is refundable. If the library has replaced the item, you will be responsible to pay the cost of the lost item.
5. Age: Anyone under 18 years of age must have the signature of a parent or responsible adult in order to receive a library card. Signing for a minor means you assume responsibility for items checked out as described above. You will not be able to check out materials on your card if the minor's card has fines over $5. Parents or the responsible adult decide the appropriateness of materials for the minor. Patrons under 18 must read and sign our Internet Policy and have the signature of a parent or responsible adult before using the library's public computers.
6. Interlibrary Loan (ILL): Materials not owned by the library may be obtained through ILL according to the guidelines outlined in our ILL policy.
7. Public Computers: Public computers with Internet access are available to patrons. An Internet Policy must be read and signed before using the computers.
2. Check Out and Renewals: Movies may be checked out for 1 week and are limited to 4 per card. All other items are checked out for 3 weeks. There is a limit of 20 items overall. Materials may be renewed once for an additional 1 or 3 weeks. You may renew by phone or self-renew on our website. Our phone number is printed on your library card.
3. Fines: Patrons are responsible for keeping contact information up to date and for returning items on time. Materials returned late will accumulate fines at the rate of 10 cents per day per item. A grace period of 3 days is granted after which fines will accrue. Fines of $5 or more must be paid before you may check out more items.
4. Responsibility: You are responsible for fines, damages or the loss of any items checked out on your card. You may be charged the cost of replacement for lost or damaged materials. You are responsible for any items checked out on your card or for the card of any minor whose card you have signed for. If you let someone else use your card or library materials, you are responsible for these items.
Lost and Damaged Items: Overdue material will be declared lost after 50 days from the due date and the cost of the materials will be added to your account. Damages materials include: defacing by marking, drawing or writing; water, food, or pet damage; and dirty, torn, or broken items. You will be charged the cost of the materials as listed in the library catalog. Where no price is listed the cost will be determined by the librarian. The library may accept the replacement of a lost item with an unused and identical item if it has been agreed on in advance; there will be a $5 processing fee on the item. An item marked lost may be returned without paying the replacement cost for 6 months past the due date if the library has not already replaced the item. After 6 months the replacement fee may be waived by the librarian. If a lost and paid-for item is recovered 3 months from the due date and the item has not been replaced, the cost of the item is refundable. If the library has replaced the item, you will be responsible to pay the cost of the lost item.
5. Age: Anyone under 18 years of age must have the signature of a parent or responsible adult in order to receive a library card. Signing for a minor means you assume responsibility for items checked out as described above. You will not be able to check out materials on your card if the minor's card has fines over $5. Parents or the responsible adult decide the appropriateness of materials for the minor. Patrons under 18 must read and sign our Internet Policy and have the signature of a parent or responsible adult before using the library's public computers.
6. Interlibrary Loan (ILL): Materials not owned by the library may be obtained through ILL according to the guidelines outlined in our ILL policy.
7. Public Computers: Public computers with Internet access are available to patrons. An Internet Policy must be read and signed before using the computers.