Library Services
COPIES & PRINTING: A copy machine is available for use by the public at the cost of 25 cents per sheet. Both color and black and white printing is available for the public access computers at 25 cents per sheet for black and white or color. Single-sided or double-sided copies or prints are 25 cents per sheet.
INTER-LIBRARY LOAN & REQUESTS FOR MATERIALS: Requests may be made for items not found in the library. The library may be able to obtain these items by purchase or through an Inter-library Loan.
INTERNET ACCESS: Four Public Access Computers are available for use after signing and agreement with the Internet Policy. WiFi connection is also available in accordance with the WiFi Policy. A library card is not necessary to use the computers or WiFi connections.
GENEALOGY: The Genealogy collection includes many local histories and records. Research for out-of-area clients is available as time by our small staff allows. Donations for this service are appreciated.
FOUNDER'S COMMUNITY ROOM: A community room is available for group meetings during library hours. Please call ahead of time and reserve the room.
FREE EBOOKS, AUDIOBOOKS & MAGAZINES from LIBRARY2GO: The Newton County Library is part of a consortium of Northwest Arkansas Libraries and offers around 35,000 eBooks, 11,000 audiobooks, and 5,000 magazines to patrons with current Library cards. Items can be downloaded from home onto a reading or listening device or to a PC. Click button below to view OverDrive's Library2Go page.
DISC REPAIR: Do you have DVDs, CDs, or game discs in need of cleaning? The Newton County Library now offers disc cleaning on our JFJ Easy Pro Disc Repair machine. You may leave up to 5 discs per week. You can drop off discs during Library hours, discs will be cleaned every Friday and discs will be ready for pickup on Saturday morning. $2.00 per disc side, fees must be paid in advance.
LAMINATING: We now offer laminate services for materials up to letter size. We can provide services on the same day, if time allows. 8.5x11 = $1.00
5x7 = $0.75
4x6 or smaller = $0.50
SCANNING DOCUMENTS/PICTURES TO EMAIL: Do you need a document or a picture scanned onto a flash drive or put into an email? We can help! Scans are free!
INTER-LIBRARY LOAN & REQUESTS FOR MATERIALS: Requests may be made for items not found in the library. The library may be able to obtain these items by purchase or through an Inter-library Loan.
INTERNET ACCESS: Four Public Access Computers are available for use after signing and agreement with the Internet Policy. WiFi connection is also available in accordance with the WiFi Policy. A library card is not necessary to use the computers or WiFi connections.
GENEALOGY: The Genealogy collection includes many local histories and records. Research for out-of-area clients is available as time by our small staff allows. Donations for this service are appreciated.
FOUNDER'S COMMUNITY ROOM: A community room is available for group meetings during library hours. Please call ahead of time and reserve the room.
FREE EBOOKS, AUDIOBOOKS & MAGAZINES from LIBRARY2GO: The Newton County Library is part of a consortium of Northwest Arkansas Libraries and offers around 35,000 eBooks, 11,000 audiobooks, and 5,000 magazines to patrons with current Library cards. Items can be downloaded from home onto a reading or listening device or to a PC. Click button below to view OverDrive's Library2Go page.
DISC REPAIR: Do you have DVDs, CDs, or game discs in need of cleaning? The Newton County Library now offers disc cleaning on our JFJ Easy Pro Disc Repair machine. You may leave up to 5 discs per week. You can drop off discs during Library hours, discs will be cleaned every Friday and discs will be ready for pickup on Saturday morning. $2.00 per disc side, fees must be paid in advance.
LAMINATING: We now offer laminate services for materials up to letter size. We can provide services on the same day, if time allows. 8.5x11 = $1.00
5x7 = $0.75
4x6 or smaller = $0.50
SCANNING DOCUMENTS/PICTURES TO EMAIL: Do you need a document or a picture scanned onto a flash drive or put into an email? We can help! Scans are free!