Hello, library friends!
It's been a while. We thank you for your patience, kindness, and continued patronage. We've been working to create an environment that is as safe as we can make it and a plan that allows us to resume public entry as responsibly as we can. We will resume public entry on Monday, Aug. 31, by appointment and with entry requirements. We will continue to offer curbside services as an alternative to public entry for those who want or need it. Operations are subject to change in response to local, state, and national guidance or in response to situations within our county, communities, and schools. Wi-fi continues to be available 24/7, with no password or library card required, from anywhere in the parking lot. Members of the public who want to enter the library will contact the library to make an appointment. Walk-ins will be allowed if the schedule allows. Appointments will be made by household, and anyone living in the home can share the appointment time. Each household will be allowed one 30-minute appointment per day. Appointment times and limits will be enforced. During each appointment time, the household will be the only members of the public in the main library. GED is meeting in the genealogy and programming rooms, with similar requirements in place. Appointments from 9:30 to 10:00 a.m. Monday through Friday and from 10:00 to 10:30 a.m. on Saturday will be reserved only for the elderly or members of vulnerable populations, including the immuno-compromised. These individuals are encouraged to inform staff of their need for the earliest appointments. Per the governor's directive on face coverings and guidance from local, state, and national organizations, everyone age 2 and up must wear a face covering/mask that covers the nose and mouth at all times while in the library. Disposable masks are available for free, and three-layer cloth masks are available for purchase for $2.00 each. Everyone must sanitize their hands, wear gloves, or wash hands with soap and water immediately upon entry. Everyone must sign in and complete a health screening, including temperature check. Members of the public are asked to practice social distancing with non-household members while on library grounds. Children under 10 years of age must stay with an adult at all times. The first stop upon entry is our wellness station, with an automatic hand sanitizer, disposable masks and gloves, and health screening log. We've constructed a plexiglass barrier around the circulation desk and rearranged shelves, computer stations, and furnishings to allow for greater social distancing and ease of access. We've added an automatic soap dispenser in the bathroom. Many of these modifications and improvements were made possible by generous donations from our community. Staff are wearing masks and/or face shields, sanitizing their hands frequently, practicing social distancing, and increasing the frequency of cleaning and sanitizing of the library environment. Materials are being returned and will continue to be returned directly to the drop box outside the library entrance. Returned materials are quarantined for a minimum of 5 days in response to scientific research on the amount of time that COVID-19 is detectable on library materials. Library hours have been adjusted to allow extra time for cleaning and sanitizing and for preparing materials for checkout and pickup. Programs, events, and meetings are cancelled until we receive guidance that group gatherings can be resumed safely. The staff of the Newton County Library and our Board of Trustees want to return to normal operations as much as you do. In the meantime, we are following the best available guidance to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect and care for our community, staff, and families. We look forward to seeing you very soon! Please contact us to schedule an appointment or for further information. Your library loves you! Kenya Windel, NCL Director
Updates: Phased Reopening, Donations, Summer Reading Program, and If All Arkansas Read the Same Book6/13/2020 Hello, library friends.
We appreciate your patience and kindness as we work toward resuming public entry. Although we're not ready yet, the Newton County Library is much closer. We are working to ensure as safe of an environment as we can for staff and community. In the meantime, please use NCL's curbside service. Call, email, message, or text us to schedule a time to pick-up books and movies, to make copies, to send faxes, to pick up printed materials, or to use a laptop outside the doors. As always, wi-fi is available 24/7 from anywhere in the library parking lot. All returns should be placed in the drop box. Returned materials are being quarantined for 72 hours before being sanitized and reshelved. If you have any questions about how these services work, please contact us. Even after public entry resumes, we plan to continue curbside service for our vulnerable patrons and those who wish to continue social distancing during the ongoing pandemic, and we will offer special hours at least twice weekly for senior citizens and vulnerable patrons wishing to enter the facility. I will send out another update when we are read to move into the next phase of reopening. Please be aware that our plans could change in response to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. NCL is grateful to the Arkansas Library Association and other generous individuals and organizations who have provided assistance: making and donating cloth masks for staff, donating materials for staff and patron protection, making monetary donations, and more. NCL is blessed to serve in such a wonderful community! We are close to having all of the necessary safety precautions in place. However, our budget was not prepared for the unexpected need for these precautions or the increase in the cost of many products and supplies. If you would like to donate to NCL, donations can be mailed to: Newton County Library, HC 31 Box 8, Jasper, AR 72641, or you can donate through PayPal at https://www.paypal.me/newtoncountylibrary. All donations will be used to serve our community safely and effectively. Since we will not be able to host in-person programs or events in the near future, NCL's Summer Reading Program will be online and will run from June 1 through August 15. The Arkansas State Library has purchased an engaging online reading program for Arkansas public libraries called ReadSquared. Using ReadSquared, you can keep track of your summer reading as you earn badges. It's for everyone--all ages, from birth to elderhood. There are 4 programs: Pre-K, Children's, Teen, and Adult. ReadSquared also has reading lists, mini-games, missions, and more. Register today to get started! Visit http://newtoncountylibrary.readsquared.com to register or login. You can also download the READsqured app to your phone, tablet, or other device. Advice on registering: you only have to fill out the fields with asterisks (*), and don't click "Go Back" or everything you've entered will be erased. NCL is also happy to share with you information about the Arkansas State Library's 2020 selection for If All Arkansas Read the Same Book. This year's selection is The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michele Richardson. Due to concerns about COVID-19, the author will speak during virtual visits with statewide access. The visits will be on Zoom and streamed through Facebook Live. On Wed., July 15 at 2:00 p.m. CT, Ms. Richardson will be having a conversation with State Library staff as a lead-in to the July 16 presentation, and on Thurs., July 16 at 2:00 p.m. CT, Ms. Richardson will do a presentation about the novel, with an opportunity for live Q&A from the audience. If you are interested in submitting questions, please use this Google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfAL4Z--wuIVaxFPY7JY-fy8Z5U9fiqH_L_DETcGx5oYLg8OA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1. Question suggestions will be accepted through Monday, July 6. NCL has one print copy of The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek, but the State Library is generously sponsoring simultaneous use access in late June through our consortium-owned digital library Library2Go. For more information, visit: https://www.library.arkansas.gov/programs/arkansas-center-for-the-book/if-all-arkansas-read-the-same-book/. Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or comments or if I can be of further assistance. As always, your library loves you! Kenya Windel, Director Hello, library friends.
Since March 16, NCL has been operating in what became Phase One of the guidelines developed by the federal government and encouraged by state officials. We undertook these measures to keep our staff and community safe from potential COVID-19 exposure and to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community. Our priority remains the continued safety of our staff and community. Following guidance from NCL's Board of Trustees, the Arkansas Health Department, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and local, state, and federal officials, NCL plans to move into Phase Two of reopening. Beginning May 18, NCL will offer curbside pickup of books and videos and access to limited technology services. The book drop will also reopen for returns. The library facility will remain closed to public entry. All in-person meetings, events, and programs are cancelled until further notice Beginning May 13, you can make requests for materials and services. To arrange for pickup of materials or drop off of documents to be copied, faxed, or scanned, contact the library by phone, email, FB or IG Messenger, or Gabbie text (more on that below). You can also reserve items through your online library account. We will prepare the materials and contact you to schedule a time to pick them up. For documents that are dropped off, there may be a quarantine period before they can be processed and picked up. We will provide any other necessary information when requests are made. NCL does not have a specific date scheduled to move into Phase Three, opening the facility to public entry with safety guidelines in place. We will continue to prepare the facility, monitor the situation, and follow appropriate guidance and recommended practices. We will notify you as soon as a date is set. We also have a few updates to share regarding new services and operations and opportunities to help us serve our community. NCL now has a 2-way texting service called Gabbie available to users with mobile phones or devices with texting capability. From your mobile phone or device, you can message the library at 870-662-6208. You can contact NCL for assistance or with questions, or you can send automated command texts to renew items or see how many items you have out and when they are due back. Command texts can be used 24/7. Library staff will be available to respond only during regular library hours. Your mobile number must be on your library account for this service to work. If you need to add your mobile number or if you are not sure it is on your account, contact us for assistance. This is a free library service, but message and data rates may apply based on your mobile plan. Look for Text a Librarian with Gabbie buttons to start showing up in our emails and on our website and social media. NCL can now accept credit/debit payments on library accounts owing $5.00 or more. Payments must be made online. Patrons log into their library account from the library catalog page. Click on My Account. Under Account Info, if the amount is $5.00 or more, you will see a button to pay the amount owed with a credit card online. Merchant's fees of 2.9% and a $0.30 flat fee will be added. For example, if you owe $5.00, you will be charged $5.45. Of that amount, $5.00 will go to the library, and $0.45 will go to the merchant for providing the service. NCL is now using a receipt printer instead of due date stickers. We will no longer be putting due date stickers on materials that are checked out. We will print a receipt that lists the items you have out and when they are due back. The receipt also lists how much money you have saved this year by checking out materials at the library instead of purchasing them. NCL has added a Donate Now button to our website. Your donation will be used to help NCL make modifications and purchase supplies in line with COVID-19 guidelines and to provide materials, programs, and services to educate, enlighten, entertain, and assist the people of Newton County. If you are interested in donating, visit our website. Scroll down and look for the Donate button. Even with restrictions lifting, it is critical that staff and patrons practice preventive actions. The CDC recommends staying home when you are sick (cough or fever); maintaining a minimum 6-foot distance from others in public or wearing a mask when that isn't possible; sneezing or coughing into a tissue or your elbow; avoiding unnecessary physical contact; washing or sanitizing hands frequently; and avoiding touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. We are excited to see you soon, serve you safely, and offer you new services and ways to interact with NCL. Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or comments or if I can be of further assistance. Your library loves you! Kenya Windel, Director Helpful links: Resources for information on COVID-19: Arkansas Department of Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The White House's Opening Up America Again Guidelines Newton County Library resources: NCL Facebook Page NCL Instagram Page NCL eCard Sign-up NCL Catalog with Electronic Resources NCL Digital Library (Library2Go) Getting Started with OverDrive/Library2Go Getting Started with Libby (Library2Go App) Arkansas State Library resources: Arkansas State Library Traveler Databases (includes COVID-19 resources) Hello, library friends.
Happy National Library Week and Happy Earth Day! What a wonderful combination! The theme for National Library Week 2020 is "Find your place at the library." In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the American Library Association has adapted the theme to "Find the library at your place." While you can't be physically present within the NCL's facility at this time, "your place at the library" and "the library at your place" are at the forefront of NCL's planning as we strive to make available more information, resources, and services at "your place." NCL is endeavoring to reach as much of our community as possible using multiple methods to share information and updates. We are learning, adapting, and growing in response to the needs of our community, the state of the world in which we live, and existing technological capabilities. We want to enable all community members to access digital materials and other resources and services, not only during this crisis but after it ends and as we continue into the future. We are working on a plan that will allow us to safely offer services at the library when it is appropriate and recommended to do so. The safety and health of our staff, our families, our patrons, and our greater community are of the utmost importance in our decision-making process. Although I do not yet have a time frame, services will return in steps with stricter precautions and procedures initially, in line with the three-phased approach outlined by federal and state officials. We will share updates with you by email, via social media, and on our website. NCL has undertaken several approaches to move forward through this unprecedented global event. The following update details some of what we have done, are doing, and plan to do. NCL remains closed to public entry due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are available by phone, email, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram Direct Message during weekday regular hours (Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.). The due date for books, videos, and other materials currently checked out is extended until after we reopen. The library's dropbox is closed, so materials cannot be returned at this time. No late fees will be charged during this closure. We have temporarily removed blocks on patron accounts for unpaid late fees and/or lost or damaged items. We have activated accounts that have been expired less than 5 years and renewed all accounts through at least Dec. 31, 2020. We have cleaned up our accounts database and deleted accounts that have been expired for 5 years or longer. If you need a library card or have issues with your account, please call, email, or message us, and we will happily help you. You can also apply for an eCard by filling out the eCard Request Form on this website. Our digital library, Library2Go, is available anytime from anywhere with an Internet-enabled device. We have a wide selection of ebooks, digital audiobooks, and streaming video. You have access to these resources now with your existing library card. High-speed wireless Internet access (Wi-Fi) is available 24/7 from anywhere in our parking lot. In your device's Wi-Fi settings, select NCL-1 if your device does not connect automatically. Our Wi-Fi has excellent download and upload speeds. It does not have a password, and you do not need a library card to use it. In-person programs and events for the remainder of April and for May are cancelled and will be rescheduled if possible. NCL continues to build and grow our online presence. Our website is undergoing some remodeling, and several new features and pages have been added. The library has established an Instagram account, which we hope will help us reach more of our community. We are offering a small amount of virtual programming. Virtual programming is programs, classes, and events that are offered through an online (Internet-accessible) platform, such as Facebook Live, Instagram Live, Zoom meetings, or pre-recorded video and/or audio that is shared to NCL's social media or website. As previously stated, we are learning, adapting, and growing. Please be kind and patient as we learn and share, revise, and try again. Regarding virtual programming, we are testing the use of the library's social media sites and website as a virtual community room, similar to the concept of our Founder's Room community meeting room. Programs, classes, and events presented this way adhere to our existing meeting room policy. Presenters offer informational, educational, or cultural content that is open to the public and does not require attendees to purchase anything or to pay the library or presenter to attend. Rarely, classes or workshops may require a materials fee, but this information would be made clear up front. Use of the library meeting room (physical or virtual) does not imply that the library staff or Trustees endorse the viewpoints presented. Two local presenters have volunteered to lead virtual classes. Both have used our community meeting room to teach classes in the past. Neither of these individuals are paid or employed by the library. Tiffany Davis is presenting a series on essential oils on Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. on the Newton County Library's Facebook page using Facebook Live. Tiffany is a local entrepreneur and a Young Living Essential Oils distributor. The information she provides in her presentation is free and is centered around her experience with Young Living Essential Oils products. Aprilhelen will be leading therapeutic yoga classes using the Newton County Library's Zoom account. Aprilhelen is a yoga and meditation teacher with many years of experience who continues to grow her practice through acquiring new skills and certifications. The day and time for these classes has not yet been set. We will share scheduling information and how to access the classes in the near future. NCL is here for you as we all navigate this situation, try to make the best decisions possible using the most appropriate guidance, and do the next right thing. Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or comments or if I can be of further assistance. NCL wishes you, your loved ones, our community, and the world peace of mind and good health. Your library loves you! Kenya Windel, Director Helpful links: Resources for information on COVID-19: Arkansas Department of Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The White House's Opening Up America Again Guidelines Newton County Library resources: NCL Facebook Page NCL Instagram Page NCL eCard Sign-up NCL Catalog with Electronic Resources NCL Digital Library (Library2Go) Getting Started with OverDrive/Library2Go Getting Started with Libby (Library2Go App) Arkansas State Library resources: Arkansas State Library Traveler Databases (includes COVID-19 resources) Hello again, library friends.
The Newton County Library continues to monitor the COVID-19 (coronavirus 2019) crisis. The library facility will remain closed to the public until we receive guidance recommending that we reopen. NCL's closure is an effort to combat the spread of COVID-19 by avoiding public interaction through social distancing. All programs and events scheduled for March and April are cancelled and will be rescheduled if possible. Books and videos currently checked out are not due and do not have to be returned until at least one week after we reopen. No late fees will be charged during this time. Staff is checking our dropbox on a rotating schedule, but we do request that you keep items until we reopen. This limits our staff's exposure to items that have been in contact with multiple individuals. If a stay-at-home or shelter-in-place order is issued by our local, state, or national government or if the threat to our staff's health is determined to be too great, we will be unable to check the dropbox and will notify our community by whatever means available to us. Although NCL's facility is closed to the public, our staff continues to work to offer and maintain needed services to our community. We have high-speed wireless internet access (wi-fi) available anywhere in our parking lot. We have excellent download and upload speeds (about 100 mbps). You do not have to park near the doors or get out of your vehicle. Our wi-fi does not have a password, and you do not need a library card to use it. Our digital library, Library2Go, is available anytime with a wide selection of ebooks, digital audiobooks, and streaming video. If you have an active library card, you have access to these resources now. If your card is inactive, you don't know your card number, or you don't know the phone number associated with your account, call us, send us an email, or message us, and we will get you active ASAP. If you've never had a library card, we are offering online library eCard sign-ups on our website. It's a quick and easy form. We'll email you your eCard number and password information, and you're ready to go! On days when staff may not be at the library, calls are transferred to my cell phone. I can update account information, activate your library cards, assign eCard numbers, help you navigate our digital resources, look up information for you, and more. If you do not get an answer, please leave a message. My voicemail is a little wonky (rural life!), so if you don't hear back from me soon, please call again. I'm working with my service provider to find a way to make my voicemail more reliable. We have other efforts underway. We are working on temporarily removing the blocks on patron accounts for unpaid late fees or for lost or damaged materials. We can work that all out after the world has returned to normal. We want to provide access to as many people as possible during this crisis. We are also working on creating an Instagram presence in order to reach more of our community. Continue to check back with us. We are expanding our website and will post updates and information there as well as on our Facebook page and on our future Instagram page. We will also send out email updates when we have more information to share. We want to keep our staff and our community healthy, and we ask that you help us do that. Practice social distancing. Stay home if you can. Stay home if you are sick. Reach out responsibly to others who are vulnerable during this crisis, and help in whatever way that you are able, that is safe, and that is best for your unique circumstances. We miss you, and we look forward to seeing you and visiting with you after we overcome this crisis. If you provide essential services and can't stay home, we are humbled and grateful to you. Please see the list of links to helpful resources at the bottom of this message. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. NCL wishes you and your loved ones peace of mind and good health. Your library loves you! Kenya Windel, Director Helpful links: Resources for accurate information on COVID-19: Arkansas Department of Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Newton County Library resources: NCL Facebook Page NCL eCard Sign-up NCL Catalog with Electronic Resources NCL Digital Library (Library2Go) Getting Started with OverDrive/Library2Go Getting Started with Libby (Library2Go App) Arkansas State Library resources: Arkansas State Library Traveler Databases (includes COVID-19 resources) ![]() Hello, library friends. The Newton County Library is closed, effective Monday, March 16, 2020, through Saturday, March 28, 2020. After much consideration, the Newton County Library Board of Trustees decided to follow the same closure guidelines mandated by Governor Asa Hutchinson for Arkansas schools. In addition to closing Arkansas schools, Governor Hutchinson recommended avoiding public interaction to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus, also referred to as COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) and SARS-CoV-2. We are trying to do our part. Staff is available during regular business hours to answer phones, respond to emails, and provide assistance to our community in whatever way we can during this unusual time, but the public is restricted from entering the building. NCL has extended the due date to April 6 for all currently checked-our materials. Items will not be charged late fees during this time. All programs and events scheduled for March are cancelled and will be rescheduled if possible. Wi-fi is available and accessible from NCL's parking lot, if you need Internet access. Given the unsual circumstances, NCL's operational changes will be continually evaluated and adjusted as necessary. We will post updates to our Facebook page (@newtoncountylibraryark), as well as resource information and links, and other material that we feel is helpful, informative, educational, or interesting. Important updates will also be sent via our newsletter email list and posted to this website. To whatever extent possible, we suggest that community members follow guidelines and recommendations as outlined by the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These organizations provide accurate, up-to-date information. ADH and the CDC recommend the following steps to protect yourself and others: Wash your hands. Don't touch your face. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Put distance between yourself and others in your community. Stay home if you're sick. Cover your coughs and sneezes. Wear a facemask if you are sick and have to be around others. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces. Closing the library was not an easy decision, but we feel it is the best right decision for our community, particularly to help protect the elderly and those with health conditions who are more vulnerable to this virus. We love and value you. Our greatest hope is that COVID-19 will have a minimal impact on our community, that things will quickly return to normal, and we'll be seeing, visiting, and serving you as we love to do. Newton County is a strong community, and one of our greatest characteristics is that we come together and help each other in difficult times. This time, we must come together by putting distance between ourselves and others but helping each other as we must at the same time. We ask for your patience, understanding, and kindness, and we ask that you offer the same to your neighbors. Your library loves you! Kenya Windel |
NCL Director: